Sightseeing Spots
Business Hours | Business Hours: 9:00-18:00. Closed: 12/31, 1/1, Every third Tuesday of the month |
Address | 2615-5 Ono, Hamana, Hamamatsu |
Access | 10 minutes from Shin-Tomei Expwy Hamamatsu-Hamakita IC, 7 minutes from Shin-Tomei Expwy Hamamatsu SA SIC, 30 minutes from Tomei Expwy Hamamatsu IC or Hamamatsu-Nishi IC by car |
URL | |
Inquiries | 053-582-2211 |
Hamakita Forest Athletic Park
If you’re looking for somewhere to move your body while surrounded by trees, then this is the place! ...
Futamata Castle Ruins
Futamata Castle was built by Futamata Masanaga, a retainer for the Imagawa clan who owned the land. ...
Hamanako Palpal
Hamanako Palpal is an amusement park that has made major upgrades, including new attractions. These ...