Getting Around in Hamamatsu City

Unfamiliar place names and public transit can pose a challenge, especially when you're in a hurry. Solve those problems in advance by checking this information on getting around in Hamamatsu, then enhoy your trip at your own pace.

Entetsu Bus / Entetsu Train

The Entetsu Bus / Entetsu Train is very convenient for traveling around Hamamatsu. Check out this video on how to use the local transit system hassle-free. Please note that the Enshu Group cannot accept IC cards other than the niceCard.

How to get on Entetsu bus

How to get on Entetsu train

Hamamatsu Station

5 min

All Entetsu buses departing from bus stop 13

Shiyakusho-minami Bus Stop

Approx. 6 min


Hamamatsu Castle Park

Hamamatsu Station

Approx. 7 minute


Hamamatsu City Museum of Musical Instruments

Hamamatsu Station

Approx. 40 minutes

Entetsu Bus towards Kanzanji-cho

Dobutsu-en Bus Stop

Approx. 1 minute


Hamanako Cruise

Hamamatsu Station

Approx. 45 minutes

Entetsu Bus towards Kanzanji-cho

Hamanoko PalPal Bus Stop

Approx. 1 minute


Kanzanji Ropeway

Car rental

Getting out of the city is a perfect way to get a deeper feel for Japan. With an international drivers license, you can rent a car and enjoy your own itinerary. Here is some information on the rental car services in Hamamatsu.

Digital Transit Passes

Digital transit passes are very convenient for visiting several places in a certain area. By simply showing the digital ticket on your smartphone screen, you can use various types of transportation within the ticket's validity period.

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